The End of Support for Windows Server 2012: Migration Paths to a Supported Version

The End of Support for Windows Server 2012: Migration Paths to a Supported Version

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Shortly, the end of support for Windows Server 2012 is approaching. This means that as of October 10, 2023, the company will no longer provide security updates or bug fixes for the operating system. As such, it is crucial that Windows Server 2012 users start thinking about their migration to a supported version.

Why is it important to migrate?

There are several reasons why it is important to migrate to a supported version of Windows Server. The first and most obvious is that without security updates, the operating system will become vulnerable to cyber attacks. This can put important data and even the integrity of the company at risk.

In addition, supported versions of Windows Server often have more advanced features and better performance than older versions. This can lead to significant improvements in business efficiency and productivity.

Migration Paths

Certainly, there are several options available to those who wish to migrate from Windows Server 2012 to a supported version. Below are some common migration paths.

Upgrade directly to Windows Server 2022

First, one of the simplest ways to migrate to Windows Server 2022 is to do a direct upgrade from Windows Server 2012. Undeniably, the direct upgrade is a simple process that involves installing the new operating system on the same server that Windows Server 2012 is running on. However, this approach may be limited by hardware and software compatibility, so it is important to carefully evaluate before proceeding with the direct upgrade.

Migrating to the Cloud

However, another option is to migrate to the cloud, where you can run the operating system in a virtualized environment. In this case, you can migrate to a supported version of Windows Server such as Windows Server 2022 on a cloud infrastructure such as Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS).

This option can be particularly attractive to companies that want to reduce their hardware and maintenance costs, as well as have more flexibility and scalability in their infrastructure.

Migration to Linux

A third option is to migrate to a Linux platform. Although this may seem like a radical change, many companies are already adopting this approach. Eventually, Linux is known to be more secure and stable than Windows Server, as well as having long-term support and being open source.

However, this option requires that the company has IT staff that specializes in Linux or is willing to invest in training and support.


The end of support for Windows Server 2012 is fast approaching. Enterprises need to start planning their migration to a supported version.

There are several options available, from a straight upgrade to Windows Server 2016 or 2019 to a migration to the cloud or Linux platform.

Regardless of the choice, it is important to ensure that the enterprise is protected from security vulnerabilities and can take advantage of the more advanced features available in newer versions of the operating system.

Note: This article was generated with the help of ChatGPT, reviewed and edited by the article’s author, adding new information and correcting inaccuracies for better understanding and orientation.

Learn more about Windows Server 2012 – Microsoft Lifecycle  and Windows Server 2012 R2 – Microsoft Lifecycle | Microsoft Learn

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